FlowVPN에서 무제한 United Kingdom VPN 받기

Last Updated: 2024-05-20 06:03:23 CDT

What is the best VPN for United Kingdom?

Get Unlimited VPN for United Kingdom from $ 1.99

VPN Services are available to access from United Kingdom, and FlowVPN has infrastructure in this region giving you fast, unlimited access to the Internet. Our VPN local servers are in a data centre close to London.

Sign up to get United Kingdom VPN with FlowVPN now

As well as servers near London (United Kingdom), FlowVPN has 100s of servers located in 60+ countries giving you the freedom of fast, unlimited VPN.

Get VPN IPs in United Kingdom

FlowVPN has multiple servers in United Kingdom giving you access to local IPs. Get unlimited VPN access to United Kingdom through FlowVPN’s global network.

Get a huge discount! Unlimited VPN for $1.99!

Sign-up to FlowVPN with VPN Promotion / Coupon Code COUNTRY-UNITED KINGDOM-VPN-PROMOTION for just $1.99 for your first month – almost half the normal price!

United Kingdom VPN Services

Flow VPN provides VPN services from our host near London, United Kingdom. The servers near London is part of our high speed global network spanning 100+ locations in more than 60 countries. We provide unlimited United Kingdom VPN services with a free trial, protecting your data allowing you to access the Internet privately and securely. We do not artificially cap your bandwidth.

We have multiple servers in United Kingdom providing a fast and reliable connection.

Our VPN Servers close to London (United Kingdom) support standard VPN protocols including WireGuard, PPTP, L2TP, IPSec, IKEv2, OpenVPN and SSH VPN. We have clients available for iPhone, macOS, Windows and Android – download the FlowVPN app from your App Store or sign-up now.

What are the most visited websites in United Kingdom?

1. Google.co.uk
2. YouTube.com
3. Facebook.com
4. Amazon.co.uk
5. Google.com
6. eBay.co.uk
7. BBC.co.uk
8. Wikipedia.org
9. Instagram.com
10. Twitter.com
11. LinkedIn.com
12. Microsoft.com
13. WhatsApp.com
14. Netflix.com
15. PayPal.com

Please note that the list can vary depending on the age group, audience, geography, time, and other factors.

How fast are Internet connections in United Kingdom?

As of 2021, the average fixed broadband speed in the United Kingdom is around 70.27 Mbps for download and 20.36 Mbps for upload. For mobile internet, the average speed is around 39.53 Mbps for download and 11.67 Mbps for upload. However, these speeds can significantly vary based on the provider, location, and whether it’s a residential or commercial service. Some high-speed fiber-optic services offer speeds of up to 1,000 Mbps.

Is the Internet censored in United Kingdom?

Yes, there is a certain level of censorship in the United Kingdom’s internet. The government regulates or filters some web content. This mainly targets child pornography, copyright infringement, and some extremist or hate material. However, general access to information is typically open and not politically restricted. The UK is also known for its “voluntary filter”, where internet providers may limit access to adult content unless an adult in the household requests it to be turned off.

Is pornography restricted in United Kingdom?

Yes, there are restrictions on pornography in the United Kingdom. The production, distribution, and consumption of certain types of explicit content is regulated under numerous acts and amendments, covering both “obscene” material and “extreme pornography.” There are strict laws regarding the age of consent, child pornography, and animal pornography, which are completely illegal. It is also a criminal offence to possess explicit images without the consent of the person depicted. Furthermore, internet service providers often include family filters that restrict access to adult content.

United Kingdom VPN 서버 상태

FlowVPN에서 운영하는 United Kingdom VPN 서버는 다음에서 마지막으로 자동 테스트되었습니다.2024-05-20 06:03:23 CDT
This test checks the server uptime and availability, as well as verifying all services are operating as expected.

당사 서버는 문제가 없는지 확인하기 위해 지속적으로 모니터링됩니다. 내부 모니터링 도구와 여러 타사 제공 업체를 사용하여 모든 서비스를 정기적으로 확인하고 벤치마킹하여 잠재적 인 문제를 식별 할 수 있도록합니다.

VPN 대기 시간 – 핑 속도 테스트

United Kingdom에 있는 VPN 서버에서 전 세계 서버로 핑 테스트를 수행합니다. 거의 모든 위치에 여러 대의 서버가 있지만 아래에 게시된 결과는 가장 최근의 테스트 결과입니다. 연결할 때 귀하의 IP 경로를 기반으로 귀하의 위치에서 더 빠르게 최적화된 경로를 가질 수 있습니다.

대상 서버에 대한 United Kingdom VPN Ping 대기 시간(밀리초)
Canada (East)184.620
Canada (West)270.804
Costa Rica266.781
Czech Republic 2110.411
Germany 1105.924
Germany 3107.218
Hong Kong 1182.623
Hong Kong 6133.418
Hong Kong 7132.364
Italy 184.121
Italy 296.551
Malaysia 1109.578
New Zealand382.390
Puerto Rico201.437
Singapore 1353.666
Singapore 286.744
South Africa276.458
South Korea 2309.776
South Korea 3225.549
Sweden 1130.786
Sweden XIP111.359
Taiwan 1147.317
Taiwan 3161.618
Taiwan 4156.974
UK 186.175
United States Central233.602
United States Hawaii261.486
United States LA279.665
United States NE205.512
United States West296.112
USA via Singapore345.085
USA via Taiwan158.387